Problems needed to be solved before the use of automatic door in our daily life, we can see traces of automatic doors, hotels, office buildings, shopping malls, etc. most of the buildings are the automatic door, but Shanghai automatic door Xiaobian learned in the&… [MORE]
2016-8-22 15:23:46
Which factors determine the electric door of the use of the cycle of electric gate is generally used in factories, schools, residential areas, such as relatively dense place, to our life has brought a lot of convenience. However, the cost of electric door is … [MORE]
2016-8-22 15:24:36
Overlap automatic door advantage now, with the many advantages of automatic doors, so in the building is widely used, then, what is the advantages of overlapping automatic door? The following and Shanghai automatic door small make up to understand what the advantages o… [MORE]
2016-8-22 15:20:09
Material and maintenance of electric door attention matters electric door in our daily life plays an important role, its safety, fashion, convenient advantages by the consumer favorite, in order to allow consumers to more in-depth understanding of the electric door, Shanghai&nbs… [MORE]
2016-8-22 15:18:51
1, automatic door must be the glass door?
No Actually, automatic door can see in my daily life in a variety of door body made, only in our country currently automatic door application is not very wide, mainly used in the building of the import and exp… [MORE]
2016-8-22 15:18:12